Is Porn the Only Way to Get Hard?
No doubt you have grown up/continue to live in a time in which pornography is easily accessible. No matter where you are in the world right now, it is pretty easy to boot up a browser on your phone and watch the hottest videos on your favourite porn site. That said, is watching porn the only way for you to get off? It could be that you are getting bored of the one-way interaction that comes via the use of a porn site. Perhaps you are looking to cut down your consumption but are worried that you will not be able to jerk off without video stimulation. Whatever the case may be, know that we have got you covered; today, we will show you three easy ways to get off without the use of hardcore porn.
1. Use Your Imagination
We are not trolling you by suggesting this. It may sound strange to you, but given how much people are used to consuming media these days, there are a lot of people who are used to using their imagination to entertain themselves. If you are not watching a Youtube video, you are probably playing a game on your phone. If you are not doing that, chances are, you are killing time by scrolling on your favourite social media platform. It really doesn’t matter what you are doing, what matters is that you learn how to use your imagination in a way that sexually stimulates you. Try thinking back to a past sexual experience you have had, preferably one that you enjoyed. Once you have done that, you can practice creating new fantasies, maybe things you wouldn’t dream of doing in real life.
2. Read Dirty Stories
If you have never read a dirty story before, maybe it is about time you give it a shot. There is plenty of free erotica for you to read online, who knows, you may find something that tickles your fancy. Another benefit of reading smut is that it will stimulate your mind, perhaps even giving that tired imagination of yours a kickstart.
3. Phone Sex/Sexting
By using your imagination and reading a few dirty stories, you may be ready to have sex on the phone or sext with a girl you know. Sexting is a great way to exercise your imagination and have sex on the phone will prove to be more arousing/satisfying than you know. If you do not have someone in your life you can practice these things with, we have plenty of girls online who would be more than happy to give you a helping hand.
Try Something New
When it comes to stimulating your sexual desires, you should never be afraid to try something new. By stepping outside of your comfort zone, there is no telling what kind of exciting things could come your way. There are plenty of ways to get off without the use of hardcore porn, you just have to be willing to put yourself out there so you can find them.